Tag Archives: mayan prophesy

So, The World Did Not End Today


Is 2012 really the Mayan year when the world was to end? Maybe it’s the year to start on your new self?

I didn’t think it would. The year 2012 has made headlines in the media as a critical year- either the world would end, or it will transform and this maybe your last chance for mass migration of souls to a higher realm. Or…… risk being left behind! There is tremendous new age spiritual emphasis and workshops on engineering a change so that none are left behind.  And for a while the idea was fixating to me as well.

The possibility of an end in 2012 has succeeded in creating a hysteria of sorts. People worried if they will get closer to God in time or be left behind. It even affected their daily patterns of living and drives. This would in turn create pressures that sometimes succeeded in unhooking seekers from their current realties. All of the above maybe true, maybe the world could have ended or most probably will transform, but I disagree on the sense of urgency and the need to drop everything around you.

First of all, I don’t think there ever was a time in history when spirituality was not important to our own growth. I think we are born, so we can participate in our own evolution. Each lifetime we should be able to exit with more virtues in hand, than what we were born with.

Also, life was a way of taking care of itself. If the world needs to end, it will. And it will regenerate too, if that is what is ahead. This has happened many times. If you look at the evidence from a scientific and archeologically point of view: the dinosaurs were completely wiped out and yet we have a full and flourishing world in 2012.  Couldn’t be busier!

If you look at it from a mythological and religious point of view: all cultures have survived the great flood as well. Remember the stories of Noah’s Ark or the Hindu avatar of Vishnu as Matsya to save the pious at a time when the whole earth mass was submerged under water? So whatever force was in charge of ending the world in 2012 probably knows how to get it to regenerate and repopulate again. So in other words, the end in 2012 should not be our individual concern. But what should be our concern is how much closer are you getting to your ideals day by day?

Spiritualism is much like the conflict between communism versus capitalism: should I lead others into the light, or shall I lead myself into the light? Communism with its lofty ideals, failed because everyone was supposed to take care of others, other than themselves, which nobody did and so it caved in. But capitalism works with a fundamental aspect of man: that man works best for his own interest. And when everybody works for their best interests in a liberating environment, then sooner or later everyone starts to flourish. This would explain the outstanding economic prosperity of countries that embraced capitalism. Much like that, if each of us were to pursue our own spiritual well being, it would not be surprising that the world is in fact transformed in 2012!

Spirituality can be pursued in temples and churches, caves and forests. But it can be pursued in the home, amongst the family and work life too. The key is to monitor your feelings, your dreams and ideals, and most important of all, is the application of awareness. In today’s lifestyle I feel there is incredible awareness of what is going on outside: media, celebrities, facebook, CNN, latest gadgets, the latest car, the latest hit single impinge on our senses 24/7.  But there is very little awareness on the state of our inner world. And as a consequence there is far less connect with everything intimate with us:

  • How is your health?
  • How do you feel?
  • What are your relationships like?
  • Are you feeling peaceful?
  • Did you start working on your dream?
  • Did you listen to the dreams of your family and friends?
  • Do you derive satisfaction from your work?
  • What is stopping you? Why is it stopping you?

Are you getting closer to satisfaction and peace in your work, with your child, spouse, health, friendship, activities? Or, are you quietly treading the grind, diverting the internal restlessness with chatting, internet browsing, television soaps, shopping?  We can only discover spirituality through our problems and our individual problems are all around for us to look into. If you have a life, then you sort it….and that is your prayer.